Leadership Behavioral Styles
When leadership development and teambuilding are high on your priority, the INTERACT Personal Strengths Profile is an essential workshop tool.
Amazingly accurate, thorough, and insightful, this self-assessment tool essential will assist you and your team in:
Identifying strengths and behavioral patterns that contribute to personal and interpersonal effectiveness,
- Understanding how strengths, when used to excess, can sometimes get in the way of communicating with others,
- Exploring how you and your team can more effectively communicate with and relate to people having different style preferences,
- Applying behavioral strategies and communication tools that achieve enhanced results under both favorable and adverse conditions, and
- Discovering how individual talents and styles can be applied more effectively to achieve even better results at work — and at home.
INTERACT is enthusiastically embraced by consultants, trainers, therapists, educators and counselors as a catalytic team development and life-learning tool. It identifies both the “WHAT?” and the “SO WHAT?” “What” is my style, and “So What?” — how can I use this information to maximize the collaborative potential with others to more effectively connect and communicate? Additionally, INTERACT measures how personal styles function under favorable and stress conditions — reflecting the way business and life really work. It’s loaded with tools on how to bring out the best in ourselves and others, including:
- Communicating and connecting with others — at work and at home
- Building rapport with those having different style preferences
- Enhancing your ability to influence others with integrity
- Coaching others using language and approaches that work for them
- Working through interpersonal conflict in positive and productive ways
- Relating more effectively with your customers and clients
- Building teams that have a better understanding of how to work effectively with one another — and the tools to make that happen
Dr. Eric Allenbaugh, developer of the INTERACT Personal Strengths Profile, can catapult your organization into higher levels of productive collaboration and communication through this fun, informative, and insightful team development workshop. Contact us today at 503-635-3963 to explore how we can augment your efforts to enhance individual and team performance through application of this key developmental tool.