INTERACT Personal Strengths Profile

INTERACT is one of the easiest, most powerful
developmental tools to interpret and apply.

INTERACT_ProfileAmazingly accurate, thorough, and insightful, INTERACT empowers individuals to enhance relationships with integrity and support — essential elements for leadership and personal development.

INTERACT identifies personal style/style blends (the “what?”); more importantly, it identifies specific communication and rapport-building strategies to maximize the collaborative potential with others (the “so what?”).

Additionally, INTERACT measures how personal styles function under favorable and stress conditions — reflecting the way business and life really work. It’s loaded with tools on how to bring out the best in ourselves and others.

A nationally recognized leadership tool with an amazing track record, INTERACT is enthusiastically embraced by consultants, trainers, therapists, educators and counselors as a catalytic team development and life-learning tool.

NOTE: Because application of the Interact Personal Strengths Profile requires a certified trainer, quantity purchases are limited only to those who are currently certified. You may, however, purchase a single preview copy to learn more about how INTERACT could be of value in executive coaching, leadership development, personal growth, team development, conflict resolution, and customer service.

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Allenbaugh Associates

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1011 Lake Shore Rd
Lake Oswego, OR 97034